Thursday, July 31, 2008

Lemonade Stand

What is it about kids and lemonade stands? Has this been going on since the invention of lemonade? Jamie decided she wanted to do a lemonade stand and although the temperatures were nearing 90, she sat in our front yard for hours patiently waiting for a thirsty traveler to happen by.

After time had passed and no sale had been made, she persuaded brother, with the promise of 25 cents, to dress up in his Darth Vader costume and wave down some unsuspecting passersby. Remember, it was nearing 90 degrees out there!
"Luke, I am your buy some lemonade."
After 2 days of selling lemonade for 25 cents a cup, the kids made a total of about $4, half of which was from our local ice cream truck man who stopped and bought some both days. What a nice guy.


  1. Oh, next time call me and I'll come by some! Sometimes us parents have to help business along. :) Our kids have done those sales too, once it was cherries from our trees in the backyard.

  2. How fun! I love doing lemonade stands! Last year I did one for juvinile diabetes and raised 80$$$$!!

    love ya, tessa

  3. Awwww...I am a SUCKER for lemonade stands! I feel so sad when I see them out hopeful!

  4. Oh my word, this is sooo funny. I love Chase in the costume! What a good brother!!

  5. its time to blog again! i miss reading ur blog!

    im joking, i know ur busy!

    love you, tessa
