Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Farside of the Apple Orchard

Do you remember when you were a kid, or maybe last week, how you'd sneak silly notes on the back of your unsuspecting friends, or perhaps and more likely, your enemies? Notes that said things like, "Kick me", or "Punch me" or "Stay away from me...I'm a total psycho and just a thread away from completely losing it"? Well yesterday the punks and I were meeting up with another home school family and we were all going out to the nearby apple orchard where we could frolic and play and discover the wonders of the apple orchard world. Upon exiting the car, I noticed something unusual on the back of punk #2. I asked her to come over and turn around so I could see what it was. When she turned around there was a little sticky note attached to her sweatshirt and this is what it said:


I immediately burst out laughing. Knowing it was punk #3's writing and also noticing that he had a very guilty look on his face, I asked him where he had the idea to write that particular statement. His reply, "From a Farside comic book." That made sense. Punk #3 has a unique sense of humor and totally gets the Farside. I love him for that.

Now on to the rest of the story. Here is the infamous apple orchard not far from our little town.

Hmmm...Bakery or Apple Barn, which should we choose first? Why the bakery, of course.

Any good country store and bakery will have a deliciously inviting sucker tree.

And of course, any good country store/bakery will also have silly photo ops. This is my friend Linda sneaking into punk #2's picture.

Poor punk #2 is trying so hard to be serious but those other two characters just keep goofing off.

The girls look so cute and then there's the silly "farside" brother trying to imitate the spooky "scream" guy.

These animals decided to sit down to a game of chess before tackling the daunting task of choosing their donut.

This cutie is Gillian, or Gilly-Bean as she has become known to those who love her. She's scoping out the donuts and is particularly torn between the sprinkled kind and well, the sprinkled kind.

Some serious donut eating and discussion going on here.

No apple orchard visit is complete without a stop to pet the farm animals and get all germie.


Always a race to the top with these two.


You knew there'd be a picture of a kid eating an apple on our apple orchard field trip.

And no fall field trip would be complete without the token pumpkin picture.

And to top it all off, the ride home included a stop at the local ice cream shop for the flavor of the week...peanut butter. What more could a kid ask for?

Somewhere a dog barks in a pumpkin patch.....

1 comment:

  1. Love it ALL. The sucker tree turned out awesome..looks really cool.

    We take the girls out there once a year, we need to get back out there soon!

    Glad you had a great day!
