Monday, September 13, 2010

Raspberry Pickin'

The big news of the day is that the two younger punks and I went raspberry pickin' this afternoon. It was a great day for it and there were many berries to be had. There were a few bees, but they weren't interested in us and we were certainly not interested in them so we all got along just fine. Unfortunately, I didn't think to take my camera on our little excursion so I won't bore you with the details...or maybe I will, but since it's my blog I'll keep writing and you can just stop reading if you want.

Probably the highlight for me was listening to boy punk shout out phrases like, "Woah, I hit the jackpot here!" or "Oh man, I just found the motherlode!" I must admit he surprised me with his enthusiasm. Girl punk was a bit sheepish due to the high volume of bees, but eventually she jumped in and we picked a total of 7 quarts.

The other highlight took place as we loaded the berries into the truck. That very morning boy punk was studying multiplication story problems. So I asked him how we would calculate the cost of 7 quarts of berries at $2.50 a quart. Sure enough, he knew how to find the answer and as he began to figure it out, big sister chimed in about how she would just multiply 7x2 to get 14 and then multiply 7x.50 to get 3.50 and then add 3.50 and 14 to get 17.50. And somehow that took her all of about 3 seconds. Show off.

So here's the only picture I took of our "berry" fun day.



  1. YUM! I'm on my way over to get me some berries....

  2. Those look delicious! Where did you go? Let's meet at your house this week and I can have jam on bread!!
